A Giant Termite Tries Stand-up Comedy in Orkin Ads, but Hilarity Does Not Ensue

A Giant Termite Tries Stand-up Comedy in Orkin Ads, but Hilarity Does Not Ensue 1024 512 C-Suite Network

Wanna watch a bug bomb?

We thought Orkin had long ago exterminated the human-size talking insects that infested its commercials. After all, the animatronic oddities haven’t appeared in ads since 2012.

Well, at least one titanic termite survived, and he’s worked up a comedy act in a new digital campaign from The Richards Group. Hitting the stage for open mic night, our creepy comic goes SPLAT! By which we mean, he fails to raise a single laugh.

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That’s probably not surprising, with material like, “Why don’t termites drink coffee?”

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The answer, by the way, is, “The caffeine turns them into jitterbugs.”

Crickets … nothing but crickets.

During that groaner, our mighty mite trembles and makes freaky clicking/chewing noises. This helps drive home the ad’s ultimate message: “Termites aren’t funny. $5 billion…

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