Armis CTO Details Business Impact of BlueBorne Security Risks

Armis CTO Details Business Impact of BlueBorne Security Risks 560 300 C-Suite Network

Nadir Izrael, co-founder and CTO of Armis Security first brought his company out of stealth mode in June 2017, with the promise of helping organizations to improve Internet of Things (IoT) visibility and control. Now in November 2017, Armis is growing quickly, thanks in part to the company’s discovery of the BlueBorne Bluetooth security vulnerability that was first publicly disclosed on Sept. 12.

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BlueBorne is a set of vulnerabilities that could have potentially enabled an attacker to take control of a vulnerable device, via Bluetooth. The initial report of the flaw impacted a large number of vendors including Google, Microsoft and the Linux community, requiring them to release multiple patches.

On Nov. 15, Armis revealed that the popular Amazon Echo and Google Home voice assistant devices were also at risk from BlueBorne. Both Google and Amazon have now patched their devices.

In a video interview with eWEEK, Izrael provides insight on the latest…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work