Best Seller TV’s January programming features authors David Newman, Debbie Allen, and Dr. Greg Reid and Jeffrey Klubeck

Best Seller TV’s January programming features authors David Newman, Debbie Allen, and Dr. Greg Reid and Jeffrey Klubeck 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV,  is announcing a new season this month, featuring new episodes with David Newman, author of Do It! Speaking: 77 Instant Action Ideas to Market, Monetize, and Maximize Your Expertise, Debbie Allen, author of Success is Easy: Shameless, No Nonsense Strategies to Win in Business, and Dr.  Greg Reid and Jeffrey Klubeck, authors of Mastermind Group: An Exclusive Invitation.

David Newman, author of Do It! Speaking: 77 Instant Action Ideas to Market, Monetize, and Maximize Your Expertise, wrote the book because speaking is the ultimate marketing strategy, the ultimate leadership brand builder, and the ultimate sales tool. The book takes a deeper dive on how to use speaking to build your c-suite leadership, platform or build your sales stamina to increase revenue.

Newman says that one of the most powerful words in marketing is “decide” – decide who you are and who you’re not; decide who you’re for and who you’re not for. Experts today who win more business, he adds, “are the experts that win attention. One of the best ways to get attention is having an executive speaking strategy.” Newman also has the following advice for those wanting to build their speaking presence, “Figure out where are your folks already meeting so that you can fish where the fish are.”

Debbie Allen, author of Success is Easy: Shameless, No Nonsense Strategies to Win in Business, wrote the book to help change mindsets on a broader scale about how people accept failure and how they accept success. Allen is a firm believer that success is constantly around us, but that we need to grasp it and choose what we do with all the information we acquire. Her main motivation to write the book was to encourage people never to accept failure and change mindsets to continue to develop relationships and skills that help you grow to the next level. As a very successful entrepreneur, Allen wants to share her success with those who are still searching and provide the connections to help others get ahead because entrepreneurship “is a lonely planet.” She also suggests how using the words “shameless” and “no nonsense” in the title is a reflection of who she is – shameless is just another word for “scrappy entrepreneur” and no nonsense is how she gives it to everyone in her circle.

Dr. Greg Reid and Jeffrey Klubeck, authors of Mastermind Group: An Exclusive Invitation, wrote the book with the purpose of restoring the original concept of what a “mastermind” is and felt many have deviated from that concept, created by Napoleon Hill. Klubeck believes “there’s so much value in the power of a mastermind,” but that many equate counsel with opinion and that couldn’t be further from the truth. An opinion, Reid states, is “based on lack of knowledge, ignorance or inexperience.” A council is based on having the mentorship of those people who have paved the way to success. The concept of the book is to create a mastermind alliance where people can not just get that great counsel from their peers, but also ignore people’s opinions. It’s about creating a spirit of collaboration, vulnerability, community, and empowerment that harnesses the minds of those who have achieved a level of success others are striving for.

All episodes of Best Seller TV air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.

Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created Best Seller TV to give top-tier business authors a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.

Best Seller TV’s January programming features authors David Newman, Debbie Allen, and Dr. Greg Reid and Jeffrey Klubeck

“What a way to begin the new year! This month, we continue our track record of showcasing authors with an unique pathways to success and they’re willing to share that knowledge with our audience.” Hayzlett said. “Whether it’s speaking, making it as an entrepreneur or creating a community of like-minded peers, the books featured this month are the perfect roadmap to kick off the next decade of successful endeavors.”

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