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Best Seller TV’s March programming features author Mark Boundy

Best Seller TV’s March programming features author Mark Boundy 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV,  is announcing a new episode this month, featuring Mark Boundy, author of Radical Value: Elevate Your Company and Career by Unleashing the Power Within Customer Centricity.

Boundy has had a long, successful career in sales and has seen the industry go through a number of changes but, at times, the sales professionals have been stuck in certain patterns that don’t put the customer front and center. He says that people are buying the same way they used to in the past, the main difference being how they inform themselves before making purchasing decisions. Boundy states that, “Customers don’t come to your website to learn about you. They come to your website to see themselves reflected.”

He wrote the book because he wanted to share the importance of and how to sell at true value price, as throughout his career, has possessed a specialty of selling at a higher price, yet many of his peers were not doing the same. The book is written for professionals who want to radically think how they sell, as many sales methodologies only spend ten percent of the time on customer value, when it should be a much bigger number.

Boundy says, “People don’t buy your product or service. They buy the outcomes from your product or service and how they’ll pay is how much they desire those outcomes.” It’s all about the value that is provided to customers, not the actual product that they care the most about. He adds, “value is the desirability of outcomes” and sales people should be talking the customers’ language more often.

Sales professionals need to learn to be effective differentiators adding that, “Differentiation is something you do differently and that your customer thinks gives them a unique result that only you can deliver. If you have some features that other competitors don’t have, that translates into outcomes for the customer.”

Best Seller TV’s March programming features author Mark Boundy

This episode of Best Seller TV air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.

Best-selling author, speaker, and former Fortune 100 CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett created Best Seller TV to give top-tier business authors a forum for sharing thought-provoking insights, in-depth business analysis, and their compelling personal narratives.

“I’m all for thinking outside the box, pushing boundaries and questioning the status quo. In this episode, Mark makes a great case of why people may seem to get stuck when they remain ordinary instead of taking the next step to extraordinary,” Hayzlett said. “It’s no secret that customers should always be at the center of every transaction and more people need to put that into effect. It’s all about elevating our way of thinking in order to be better at our chosen professions.”

For more information on TV episodes, visit www.csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/tv and for more information about the authors featured in Best Seller TV episodes, visit www.c-suitebookclub.com.