Bizcast on C-Suite Radio

Bizcast Announces New Episode Featuring Scott McKain

Bizcast Announces New Episode Featuring Scott McKain 300 300 C-Suite Network

Weekly Podcast Spotlights Best-Selling Business Book Authors

Bizcast, a podcast featuring leading business book authors who share tips, strategies and key points from their best-selling titles, today announced its newest episode featuring Scott McKain, author of 7 Tenets of Taxi Terry and other popular books. Bizcast is part of C-Suite Radio and the C-Suite Network family and is hosted by Kevin Craine.

In 7 Tenets of Taxi Terry, McKain tells the story of a cab driver and successful self-starting entrepreneur who combines passion with effort and skill to create distinction in his job and life. McKain was so impressed by Terry’s joyful approach to customer service that he incorporated the driver’s inspiring personal philosophy and uplifting advice into his book and speaking engagements.

McKain lists the seven tenets of customer services as:
1. Set high expectations — then, exceed them!
2. Delivering what helps the customer… helps you.
3. Customers are people — so, personalize the experience.
4. Think logically — then act creatively and consistently.
5. Make the customer the star of your show!
6. Help your customers to come back for more.
7. Creating joy for your customer will make your work — and life — more joyful!

Bizcast launched earlier this year and quickly earned a prominent listing in the iTunes Podcast “New and Noteworthy” list. The program has aired nine full-length episodes to date, featuring such authors as: Dina Simon, author of Make Unstoppable Simple; Adrian Ott, author ofExponential Influence: Designing Digital Habits That Engage Distracted Customers; Andy Frawley, author of Igniting Customer Connections;and Sylvie di Giusto, author of The Image of Leadership.

These and more Bizcast podcasts on available on-demand at iTunes and C-Suite Radio.

Read more at MarketWired