Brand Twisting and Antarctic Mike Runs A Marathon

Brand Twisting and Antarctic Mike Runs A Marathon 150 150 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV, is announcing its July lineup which feature in-depth interviews with leading business authors Julie Cottineau, author of Twist: How Fresh Perspectives Build Breakthrough Brands and Mike Pierce, author of Leading at 90 Below Zero: Extreme Conditions… Extraordinary Results.

Julie Cottineau, author of Twist: How Fresh Perspectives Build Breakthrough Brands, wrote the book with the purpose of teaching business owners and executives how to give their brands a fresh look and sound, while standing out in a crowded marketplace. Cottineau says she wanted the book to be about branding advice anyone can use to build their business instead of branding theories. She states that clients tell her their main problem involves marketing, but she tells them marketing isn’t the problem – it’s not having the right brand story and not standing out. As a result, Cottineau’s first question to clients is, “What is your story?” and adds the most important component of their story is who do they want their brand to appeal to. Who is their target audience? Too broad a message, she says, ends up diluting the brand and fails to connect entirely.

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Cottineau also talks about “brand blinders,” which she defines as doing the same thing every competitor is doing. She discusses how many c-suite executives spend a lot of time thinking about the categories they are in and…


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