C-Suite Conference Continues to "Grow in Excellence" in Chicago

C-Suite Conference Continues to "Grow in Excellence" in Chicago 300 300 C-Suite Network

The C-Suite Network, the world’s most powerful network of C-Suite leaders, will gather executives from across the country to network and share ideas at the Chicago JW Marriot, June 7-9. The exclusive conference will showcase top C-Suite leaders and business school thinkers as they present on the theme of “Growth in Excellence.”

The three-day conference connects attendees with industry experts, who share their wealth of experience and knowledge through keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, and interviews. Chicago’s conference features an exclusive lineup with content geared toward C-Suite interests.

Noteworthy presenters include Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari Corporation & Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theater and CEO of Brainrush; Tony Hunter, publisher and CEO of Chicago Tribune Media Group; Janet Schijns, vice president and MarTech chief of Verizon Enterprise Solutions and Bryan Sartin, managing director of the Verizon RISK Team; and Lance Secretan, former CEO of Manpower Limited and award-winning professor, columnist and author.

Conference content includes:

  • Technology impacting how we relate to customers
  • Why you need a Chief Digital Officer in a growing company
  • C-Suite secrets for protecting, growing and expanding your brand from top decision makers at Verizon
  • How to radically improve collaboration across your company
  • The intersection of government policy and business success
  • Spotlight on technology that is boosting customer loyalty and its ability to deliver revenue growth
  • Being the best leader of a diverse team

Networking, interactive breakout sessions, and an engaging speaking program allow attendees to gain a competitive edge, incredible knowledge and key insights to bring back to their companies for continued growth and operational excellence.

For more information about the upcoming C-Suite Conference visit https://conference.csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/.