C-Suite Network Announces the CIO Leadership Council

C-Suite Network Announces the CIO Leadership Council 1024 536 C-Suite Network

The C-Suite Network, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, is announcing the launch of the CIO Leadership Council, supporting the elevating of the position of the CIO, and increasing the global understanding of the proper role of the CIO as critical strategic business leaders in organizations today. The Council is led by Steve Lishansky, Thought Council member and CEO of Optimize International.

The Council’s goal is to promote the CIO as the second most important business and change leader in their organization after the CEO. The Council focuses on developing the leadership skills critical to being recognized as a valuable business leader.  It is building a world-class collection of top CIOs who can share best practices, insights, and lessons as successful strategic business thought leaders.

C-Suite Network Announces the CIO Leadership Council

Members of the CIO Leadership Council will enjoy:

  • Engagement and collaboration with CIOs that are strategic business leaders in their organization
  • Insights from top thinkers in business and CIO leadership via the resources of the C-Suite Network, the CIO Leadership Thought Council, and the generosity of individual members of these networks
  • Opportunity to ask and get answers to critical questions in a timely manner from top practitioners in the field
  • Knowledge about the latest trends, practices and transformations in business, technology, strategy affecting the CIO world and you
  • Access to valuable resources exclusive to CIO Leadership Council members

The Council will facilitate conversation between members and offer a variety of events and opportunities that match your schedule and availability, including:

  1. Two in-person meetings per year, coinciding with C-Suite Network’s valuable Conferences
  2. Quarterly webinars in 2020 (bi-monthly in 2021) – all of which will be recorded and accessible to members
  3. Informal virtual gatherings. Members can also conduct ad-hoc gatherings and invite fellow members

“Steve is one of those guys who understands that in order to succeed, we need to keep evolving. The role of the CIO has become more and more essential because of the role technology plays in every business. Glad to have Steve on board, not just as a Thought Council member, but as a leader of this Council,” said Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman and CEO, C-Suite Network.

The C-Suite Network’s mission is to provide members with the most up-to-date tools and benefits to help them stay abreast of all the changes taking place in the business world.

“I have worked with CIOs, CEOs, and their teams for a long time, and one of the most dramatic changes I’ve seen is the evolution of the business importance of the CIO role.  As a strategic leadership mentor and executive coach, my ultimate goal is supporting leaders in growing their business, their people, and the value and impact they deliver to their clients and communities,” said Lishansky. “By partnering with the C-Suite Network, I look forward to expanding the reach of the Council, as well as getting CEOs to understand, and enhance, the role of the CIO.  I look forward to helping my leaders accomplish that – and more.”

The CIO Leadership Council is hosting a digital meeting on Thursday, May 14th at 2pm ET. The topic of the meeting is ‘From Technology Leadership to Ultimate Business Leadership – 3 Critical Keys to IT Leadership Success Today.’ If you’re interested in attending, register by visiting: https://c-suitenetwork.zoom.us/webinar/register/7215882656285/WN_nRCBLi6zQ22dBGSB0F9trA

For more information on the council, visit: https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/councils/cio-leadership-council/