C-Suite Network Announces the Veteran Business Leaders Council

C-Suite Network Announces the Veteran Business Leaders Council 1024 536 C-Suite Network

The C-Suite Network, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, is announcing the Veteran Business Leaders Council with the belief that military service provides a unique, unquantifiable background, which helps leaders across every industry build successful companies and organizations.

The Council’s goal is to help willing executives establish great collaborative teams within their organizations, markets, and industries. It is dedicated to helping executives with military backgrounds continue to grow, develop, and share with like-minded individuals from similar backgrounds. The Council strives to do more than seek improvement from each member, but also find other veteran’s initiatives to assist our struggling peers and make a positive impact on their communities and the outside world.

Members of the Council will enjoy benefits such as:

  • Benefits of a C-Suite Network Executive level membership
  • Receive advice from other national non-profits and business advisors from the C-Suite Network
  • Monthly webinars featuring experts in various disciplines
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Two in-person meetings a year, in conjunction with C-Suite Network events

Along with the benefits mentioned, members will have ample opportunities to collaborate with local community service and veteran outreach projects.

C-Suite Network Announces the Veteran Business Leaders Council

“Coming from a military family, I’ve always had the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform. This Council brings together business and veteran leadership, which I think are essential when running a successful business. The military teaches you perseverance and discipline. Business teaches you flexibility and adaptability. Looking forward to seeing this Council grow to its full potential,” said Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman and CEO, C-Suite Network.

The C-Suite Network’s mission is to provide members with the most up-to-date tools and benefits to help them stay abreast of all the changes taking place in the business world.

“As a member of the Network, I’m excited to be able to bring this opportunity with the C-Suite family,” said Brzychcy. “Now more than ever it’s important that we have these communities, and I think this Council has the power to bring a community that has put everything on the line for their country together and help them move forward – individually and collectively.”

The Veteran Business Leaders Council is hosting a digital meeting on Thursday, May 21st, at 2 PM ET. If you’re interested in attending, register by visiting: https://c-suitenetwork.zoom.us/webinar/register/9715888831076/WN_6KtI7JxYT2O3dN4uNncjsg

For more information, visit: https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/councils/womens-leadership-council/.