C-Suite Network and Greco Enterprises Announce the Launch of the Marketing IMPACT Council™

C-Suite Network and Greco Enterprises Announce the Launch of the Marketing IMPACT Council™ 1024 536 C-Suite Network

The C-Suite Network, the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders, and Greco Enterprises, an integrated solutions provider to the for-profit and nonprofit communities, are announcing today their partnership in the launch of a new executive council, the Marketing IMPACT Council, founded by Greco Enterprises. It will provide senior executives with opportunities to “connect the dots” in an ever-changing marketing environment. The Council’s goal is to understand, leverage, and maximize the impact of the continuously evolving and expanding marketing resources for individuals and companies alike.

The Marketing IMPACT Council seeks a new kind of engagement and experience for C-Suite leaders as the world of marketing undergoes constant evolution and disruption. The Council is a data-driven, channel and technology agnostic resource that unifies all silos while addressing all aspects of the roles and interrelationships of people, processes, and technologies that are shaping and affecting the impact of the overall marketing process.

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Council membership is available for individuals and companies. Companies will be able to join as Charter or Supporting members and will receive customized benefit/entitlement packages to meet their specific needs and priorities.

“I’m excited to announce the creation of this council. As someone with a marketing background, and a former CMO, marketing never sits still and I think it’s important for marketing professionals to always be on the cutting edge,” said Jeffrey Hayzlett, Chairman and CEO, C-Suite Network. “We look forward to providing our members with…


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