CEDIA 2017 Keynote: Stringify CTO Dave Evans on Future Impact of IoT & Intelligent Things

CEDIA 2017 Keynote: Stringify CTO Dave Evans on Future Impact of IoT & Intelligent Things 1024 561 C-Suite Network

CEDIA keynote speaker Dave Evans, co-founder and CTO of Stringify, says IoT (or IoIT ‘Internet of Intelligent Things’) has huge implications for smart homes and the world around us.

CEDIA 2017 Keynote: Stringify CTO Dave Evans on Future Impact of IoT & Intelligent Things






At the opening keynote session last night at CEDIA 2017 in San Diego, Stringify co-founder and CTO Dave Evans spoke of IoIT, the Internet of Intelligent Things, explaining how smart devices are quickly moving from simply being connected to having the processing power to profoundly change how we live in our homes, and how we function in society and the world around us.

Evans’ presentation was packed with interesting and sometimes head-scratching facts and statistics, as well as several remarkable prognostications that portrayed technology as a hero to some of the world’s biggest issues: global warming, overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, etc.

“The Internet of Intelligent Things will address some of the world’s most pressing challenges,” he said before of a packed audience of home-technology professionals.

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What Evans predicts is that smart devices will become highly intelligent as microprocessors become increasingly smaller, less expensive, and more powerful. No bigger than a grain of rice, these super-chips will give IoT devices the intelligence to function as IoIT components where they are able to hear, speak, analyze and react autonomously. In essence the home becomes a living, breathing thing managed and controlled by sophisticated IoIT devices.

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