Change Requires Courage

Change Requires Courage 640 427 C-Suite Network

by Dov Baron


The reason that courage is an absolute necessity in becoming an Authentic Vulnerable Full Monty Leader is that, in order to become such a leader, you have to face change and make changes. And change requires courage. Authentic Vulnerable Leadership, or as I call it, Full Monty Leadership, is NOT for wimps!

For those who want traditional “leadership development,” there are probably thousands of books to read and courses to take. But for leaders who understand that not only has the economy changed, but the entire world of business has changed, and along with those changes has come a deep awakening that leadership at all levels must also change and evolve.

The good news is some who had led using the old model will embrace the new style of leadership. They will do this because they understand leadership is not just about having your followers do as you command, but rather having your followers flourish in an authentic environment of trust. Business is now more than ever a process of relationships. However, as I’ve said many times before, those relationships must be transparent, authentic and genuinely caring. This also means face-to-face business — not just with your customers, but with everyone in and on your team. I realize that for those who prefer to stand off in their ivory towers this very idea can be quite terrifying.

You Have to Let Them In
You have to let your colleagues, co-workers and customers really see you — “warts and all.” In fact, the more you do so, the more they will be endeared to you. In turn, the more fiercely they will endorse you as the “real thing.”
In an article titled “10 Surprising Things That Benefit Our Brains That You Can Do Every Day,” author Belle Beth Cooper cites several fascinating experiments that changed the way she believed things work. One, in particular, once again validated of the power of vulnerability when it comes to generating a bond.

At one point in the article, Cooper cites the research done by psychologist Elliot Aronson into something known as the Pratfall Effect. During Aronson’s test, he asked participants to listen to recordings of people answering questions on a quiz. Certain recordings included the sound of the person knocking over a cup of coffee. When participants (those listening) were asked to rate the quizzers on likability, the coffee-spill group came out on top. Apparently, making mistakes actually makes us more likable — not less! This may, in fact, be the very reason why we tend to dislike people who seem perfect. Thanks to the research surrounding the Pratfall Effect, we know that making mistakes isn’t the worst thing could happen; in fact, it can work in your favor when it comes to forming bonds and relationships.

The Time of the Vulnerable Leader
The days of leadership through intimidation are dimming, their dusk is falling and the dark night will soon be upon them. The daybreak that is coming brings with it the light of Authentic Vulnerable Leadership, and it is already brightening the horizons of a world in desperate need of a new vision of leadership. The time of the Vulnerable Leader is upon us.

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*This article is an excerpt from Dov Baron’s upcoming book, “Fiercely Loyal: How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent.”

dovDov Baron speaks internationally and is a leading expert on The Power of Authentic Leadership for Creating a Corporate Culture of Fiercely Loyal Talent. To bring Dov in to speak to your group or organization, please contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717. Find Dov online at and follow him on Twitter @DovBaron.