Chief Consumer Officer Of Humana Shares Insight On Shift From B2B To B2C Marketing

Chief Consumer Officer Of Humana Shares Insight On Shift From B2B To B2C Marketing 960 640 C-Suite Network

In a recent discussion with Jody Bilney, Chief Consumer Officer Humana, about the changes occurring in healthcare marketing, I was fascinated to learn about her background. She has moved across industries and held a number of different C-level positions in both B2B and B2C firms. Bilney shared her perspective on the differences across positions and roles below.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Kimberly Whitler: You’ve been a Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Brand Officer, and now a Chief Consumer Officer. What are the differences in these positions?

Jody Bilney: There are some similarities across the different roles and some key differences. The part that has been the same is that my role has always been to make sure that the consumer’s interests are sitting at the top management team table. It means that their interests are always considered. In regulated industries, the order in which business considerations are often contemplated – i.e., regulatory, financial, and then maybe the consumer – you have to make sure that the consumer (and, in the case of health care, the medical provider) point of view is consistently contemplated. And this has always been my job, no matter the industry or title.

At Humana, I didn’t realize the wisdom of not calling my position the…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media