Chris Wright, Founder and CTO at deltaDNA talks Marketing Tech

Chris Wright, Founder and CTO at deltaDNA talks Marketing Tech 786 524 C-Suite Network
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In this interview Chris Wright, Founder and CTO at deltaDNA and a gaming industry pro, talks about enhancing user’s gameplay experience, optimizing retention to drive players back into the game, in-game monetization and challenges faced with third party apps and mediation system. He also explains why he thinks building your own stack is a messy affair

1. Could you tell me a little about yourself and how you came to be the CTO and co-founder at deltaDNA?

I’ve always worked within the games industry. In 1998 I was responsible for setting-up the game development and publishing division of I-play (formally Digital Bridges). As European Director of Production and Publishing, I helped I-play to become a top three mobile games publisher worldwide.

In 2010, I co-founded deltaDNA with CEO Mark Robinson, with the mission to use big data to understand player behavior and build better game experiences.

2. Are you happy with the buy-in for Marketing Technology that exists at deltaDNA? Do you think the investments being made are adequate or could be more?

In the last 12-18 months, there has been a significant shift in the type of company investing in analytics and marketing technology like ours.

Traditionally, it was the mid-sized publishers and developers that were driving the market. However, increasingly, we’re seeing larger firms investing in analytics to enable them to understand exactly how players are engaging with the In-App Purchases (IAP) and advertising within their game, using push notifications to drive players back to the game and provide live in-game targeted rewards to help players to make progress.

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3. What is the key problem you are attempting to solve with marketing technology implementation – could be 360 customer view, better customer experiences, crafting better journeys, full circle attribution?

Our deep-data analytics platform provides game publishers and developers with all the tools they need to manage each user’s gameplay experience, optimize retention and boost monetization within their games.

4. What are some of the challenges your team faces from a technology &…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work