CIO interview: Marc Roberts, CTO, HiyaCar

CIO interview: Marc Roberts, CTO, HiyaCar 1024 341 C-Suite Network

Being CTO at a startup business that uses IT to differentiate itself means there is no legacy hangover and software can be developed quickly to address business challenges.

HiyaCar is a peer-to-peer car rental company, or, as CTO Marc Roberts puts it, “like Airbnb for cars”.

The company, established three years ago, enables members to make their cars available for rent to other members through an online platform.

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As head of IT at a startup company that is disrupting a sector through technology, Roberts is in the privileged position of having a group of business leaders around him who understand the importance of digital technology.

When it started up, the company’s initial challenge was not a technical one. The first 18 months of its existence…

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