CIO Interview with Alin D’Silva, Vice President of IT and CTO of Digital Workplace at Verizon

CIO Interview with Alin D’Silva, Vice President of IT and CTO of Digital Workplace at Verizon 683 1024 C-Suite Network

While it may seem more straightforward for technology-oriented companies to continue accelerating their digital transformations, they face the same challenges as any other. Alin D’Silva, Vice President of IT and CTO of Digital Workplace at Verizon, shares his thoughts on some of those challenges and what motivates him to drive forward.

What are some of the ways Verizon is continuing its transformation to become a more digitally-focused enterprise?

Digital transformation requires wholesale reinvention. Verizon is continuing its transformation on many fronts; I’ll give you three examples. The first is with customer experiences, which have become more digital over last few years. We’re seeing increased engagement in our mobile apps with 70% of our customers opting to use the app to choose the new unlimited plan on the day of launch. The second is how we’re digitizing the business and simplifying customer policy, streamlining and automating processes, and leveraging analytics to inform decision-making. The third is how we’re empowering employees to think, act and move faster to serve customers and win in the marketplace by delivering a best-in-class employee digital experience.

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How do you attract and retain top technology talent in this competitive environment?

In our technology group we believe it’s important to leverage modern technologies and engineering practices that are relevant and interesting to top technology talent. Examples of this include practices around Agile, DevSecOps and Cloud. We are extremely focused on fostering a more connected, engineering-centric culture across Verizon and run different events such as internal conferences, hackathons, etc.. to strengthen this community. It’s also important to us to strengthen our presence in the external tech community through sponsoring events like DevOps Days, Serverless and Amazon Reinvent as…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work