Citing need for “engineering execution,” Chef gives control of engineering to its co-founder and CTO while the sales department reorganizes

Citing need for “engineering execution,” Chef gives control of engineering to its co-founder and CTO while the sales department reorganizes 1024 678 C-Suite Network
Chef CEO Barry Crist talks to a crowd at the Chef offices in Pioneer Square.

Seattle DevOps startup Chef made several organizational changes this week, installing co-founder and CTO Adam Jacob as head of engineering and giving its chief marketing officer control of sales amid the departure of that group’s leader, GeekWire has learned.

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Chef CEO Barry Crist announced the changes Monday in an email to Chef employees, which GeekWire has obtained. Tucker Callaway, who led sales at Chef, is leaving the company for another position in the Bay Area, according to the memo, although Callaway has yet to update his LinkedIn profile. Replacing him will be Ken Cheney, currently head of marketing for Chef, who first joined the company last November.

And Jacob, who co-founded the company and also wrote the Chef open-source project that forms the basis for the company, now runs the engineering team in addition to his other duties as CTO.

Crist wrote:

The role of CTO often means many things over the course of a company’s life. Right now Chef’s engineering execution is paramount to…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work