Consumers Will Pay to Be Pleased: Survey

Consumers Will Pay to Be Pleased: Survey 620 370 C-Suite Network

Eighty percent of participants in a recent Capgemini consumer survey said they would pay more for a better customer experience, and 9 percent were willing to pay up to 50 percent more.

Researchers polled 3,300 customers of 125 companies in the utilities, consumer products, retail, retail banking, and Internet-based services sectors.

Among the respondents were 450 senior executives from customer experience, customer service, IT, marketing and sales departments at 150 companies.

The survey included participants from Australia, China, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands, the UK and the United States.

Capgemini used the industry-standard Net Promoter Score, or NPS — an index ranging from minus-100 to plus-100 — to measure the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute created a DCX index based on the evaluations of organizations across 80 different digital experience attributes, ranging from the ability to view and edit personal data to personalizing products and services on mobile devices.

While 75 percent of business representatives believed their companies were customer-centric, only 30 percent of consumers viewed companies that way, the study found.

Utilities and consumer products companies were the most out of sync with their customers, while Internet service companies and their customers were most in step, setting the bar for other organizations, Capgemini found.

The Digital Imperative

For consumers, digital operations are key to meeting expectations, Capgemini said. Consumers are willing to spend 0.6 percent more for each single point increase in a company’s DCX index score, and its NPS also increases by nearly five points.

Over the past three years, closely tying business operations with customer experience gave a company a 14-point…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media