Data-Driven Marketing | Step Two: Tear Down the Silos

Data-Driven Marketing | Step Two: Tear Down the Silos 1024 682 C-Suite Network

by Lisa Arthur


A recent study showed that marketers think silos keep them from executing­ effective campaigns. Gartner’s prediction that CMOs will one day spend more on technology than CIOs can also make IT worry that marketing departments might soon be driving technology initiatives without them.

To establish better relationships for revenue growth in today’s data-driven marketplace, CMOs should execute what I call “Step Two: Tear Down the Silos.” These days it’s critical for marketers to cooperate and communicate more clearly throughout the enterprise.

To be honest, tearing down silos isn’t a simple process. You’ll first need to create a strategic framework to build synergy with other departments, one that will align short-term and long-term success.
To help you start the process, here are four ways to prime your communication and execution channels:

  1. Determine the vision and goal. CMOs need to think strategically. Create and communicate a shared understanding of what the expectations and goals are as well as what the expected returns will be. Get on the same page about definitions and about what each person’s roles and responsibilities will be.
  2. Make everyone a part of marketing. Give team members from other departments in your company support to help you set performance goals and contribute to your campaign development processes. Develop two-way communication channels so everyone in a customer-facing role delivers messages to that provide you with data to nurture further. As Ginger Conlon, Direct Marketing News’ editor-in-chief once said: “Collaboration across teams and departments is essential to getting the unique insight that can provide a competitive edge.”
  3. Remain transparent. The vision must permeate the entire marketing effort. Keep other departments in the loop by making revisions to your marketing calendar, and add those revisions to the seed list for campaigns. There needs to be transparency between sales and marketing departments. The transparency the sales team provides you with will help you rework and perfect your marketing initiatives.
  4. Share what you did. Share results with the entire company to provide a macro-view of your accomplishments. Let everyone know where the opportunities lie and which improvements you’ve already made. Once you demonstrate to finance how you’ll improve marketing returns, or show your sales team how your leads move through the pipeline, you can start working together to boost revenue and reduce the cost of each lead.

The need for CMOs to be change agents who will tear down silos has never been greater. Boards of Directors and CEOs seek business leaders who can navigate change, collaborate and demonstrate results. Be sure to also read my next post, “Step Three: Untangle the Data Hairball,” in which I’ll explain how you can dive deeper into strengthening IT and marketing relationships at your company.

*This is the second post in a series of steps to achieving digital marketing success by Lisa Arthur. Click here to read “Step One: Get Smart, Get Strategic” on the C-Suite Network blog.

Lisa ArthurLisa Arthur is the Chief Marketing Officer for Teradata Applications, the leader in integrated marketing software. She meets with thousands of CMOs and marketing professionals annually through public speaking and events. Learn more about Lisa’s book, “Big Data Marketing,” and follow her on  Twitter @lisaarthur.