DataTrading becomes a new story of success and conqures the ICO market!

DataTrading becomes a new story of success and conqures the ICO market! 1000 750 C-Suite Network
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A company of a new generation, DataTrading, has already gathered almost 920 000 USD during a token sale, which was running from 11.20.2017 till 11.30.2017 and granted all participants 30% bonus.

DataTrading is an innovative platform that conquers the world of trade forecasting. Its key feature is using models of Artificial Intelligence that make analytics and forecasting for financial markets. What is more, each trader who is a member of this progressive community will get an access to those models and will be able to use them for his own trading.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media
  • Currently, DataTrading is participating in token sale and is planning to receive more funds for the further development of its products and attracting progressive traders, who will become a part of a DataTrading community. The company’s crowd sale consists of pre-sale (11.20.2017–11.30.2017), during which the company gathered around 1 000 000 USD and 2 rounds for the participants from different parts of the world: Round A, which is held for eastern region (12.18.2017–01.08.2018) and Round B, held for western regions (02.01.2018–22.22.2018). All token sale participants will get a unique opportunity to join the beta testing of DataTrading product.During the business trip to China, DataTrading, represented by Anton Vokrug, CEO, Alexander Gandzha, CTO, and Julia Chaschina, Development of…
Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media