Dedication: An Award Worthy Trait

Dedication: An Award Worthy Trait 300 208 C-Suite Network

We are counting down the weeks to our C-Suite Network Social Media Legends Award Ceremony where we will recognize the leadership and accomplishments of C-level executives in social media engagement and thought leadership. You can find out more on our conference website or follow this series of posts about the traits of an outstanding C-Suite leader.

Do you know an outstanding C-Suite leader? Nominate them for a Social Media Legends Award.

This week’s trait: Dedication

How to Stay Motivated when You’re a Motivator

via Mark Sanborn Being a leader is rewarding but it is also demanding. After all if you’re a leader, you are expected to motivate others, but it’s often hard to keep 1336746888_unnamedyourself motivated. So how do you–the motivator–stay motivated yourself? Here are some practical things you can do: The first step is to get encouragement and insights from others. Consider a mentor. Find a person who is the kind of person you’d like to be and who has accomplished some of the things you aspire to accomplish. Ask that person if they’d be willing to be your mentor. Make it clear to him or her that you’re not asking for a lot of their time, but rather an opportunity to occasionally check-in with them for feedback, ideas and encouragement. You could suggest a periodic lunch where you’d treat for the benefit of their time and wisdom. If having a personal mentor does not appeal to you, there are still other ways for you to get the motivation you need. It’s not always necessary to have a personal relationship with a motivational source. Who are the people who inspire you? You can benefit from the good example of others even if you don’t know them personally. Study their lives and what makes them successful. You don’t need to completely reinvent the motivation wheel. Read, listen, and learn. What you’re doing right now is a positive step in staying motivated and continuing to grow. Is there an author or speaker whose work motivates you? You could stock up on that person’s books, CDs, or videos and call on them anytime you need to plug in. In fact, you have an advantage in that you’re not subject to the limitations of another person’s schedule. If you want an ongoing dose of inspiration you can play a CD in your car daily. And there are books written by and about some of history’s greatest influencers that you can benefit from reading. It is also good to have human interaction to stay motivated. Another option is to join a group, such as a networking group or a mastermind group. The advantage of joining these types of groups is that they afford you the opportunity to interact with other like-minded ideals with similar responsibilities and aspirations and you learn and grow from others’ experiences and knowledge. Read More