Digital River, Adobe Strengthen Cloud Commerce Alliance

Digital River, Adobe Strengthen Cloud Commerce Alliance 620 350 C-Suite Network

Digital River on Wednesday announced it has expanded its ties with Adobe Experience Manager to offer an end-to-end cloud commerce solution targeting the high-tech industry.

The new solution, which is based on a 2015 agreement to integrate Digital River’s cloud-based Global Commerce Platform with Adobe Experience Manager, offers brands a fresh approach for bolstering their direct channel strategy and operating more competitively online.

It lets brands tailor every element of the commerce journey while addressing the C-suite’s priorities, according to Digital River.

The solution is available in the Adobe Experience Manager Package Share.

The new tool gives high-tech brands the ability to respond to online consumers’ demand for a consistent, dynamic shopping experience anywhere, any time, and on any device, said Errol Denger, Adobe’s director of commerce strategy.

Brands can use their in-house resources or a preferred system integrator to take advantage of the offering.

“This deal’s about expanding e-commerce presence for Adobe and distribution for Digital River,” remarked Ray Wang, principal analyst at Constellation Research.

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“Many Digital River customers already have Adobe, but in newer markets this agreement makes it easier for integration and account management,” he told CRM Buyer.

An Adobe-approved reseller, Digital River provides services in several countries in Asia, Latin America, Russia and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

It also provides global online subscription services for Adobe’s Creative Cloud across 19 geographic regions.

What the Companies Offer

The Adobe Marketing Cloud, which includes Experience Manager, offers the following:

  • Integrated digital marketing solutions to organize, access and personalize marketing content;
  • Deep insights into what’s working with customers; and
  • The ability to deliver the best experiences to every customer across every…
Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work