Entangled Marketing, Thoughtful Philanthropists, Force Multipliers and Hustling Gigs

Entangled Marketing, Thoughtful Philanthropists, Force Multipliers and Hustling Gigs 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV, is announcing its August lineup featuring in-depth interviews with leading business authors Sebastian Jespersen and Stan Rapp, authors of Release the Power of Entangled Marketing: Moving Beyond Engagement, Richard Marker, author of Saying Yes Wisely: Insights for the Thoughtful Philanthropist, Tony Chatman, author of The Force Multiplier, and Joel Block, author of Stop Hustling Gigs and Start Building a Business: 101+ Tricks of the Trade to Help Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed People Build a Money-Making Machine.

Sebastian Jespersen and Stan Rapp, authors of Release the Power of Entangled Marketing: Moving Beyond Engagement discuss the term ‘entangled marketing’ and how it can change the way brands interact with their customers. Entangled marketing is a new business model that leads to an enduring, mutually rewarding relationship with customers in the internet era. “Entanglement” is used as a metaphor for what is happening right now — the way one thing blends with another, making everything intertwined. Jespersen says that once brands start entangling with customers, trust becomes an essential part of the relationship; and like any other relationship, it can get messy if broken.

Richard Marker, author of Saying Yes Wisely: Insights for the Thoughtful Philanthropist, targets philanthropists of all levels — from the very rich to the occasional donor. The book explains how ‘saying yes wisely’ means that you’ve thought about why you’re giving and why giving is a priority for you. Marker states that while many people are charitable, many don’t know the intricacies of philanthropy such as best practices, core competencies, ethics and laws — all leading to making good, responsible decisions. The book aims to fill that gap and also argues how philanthropy can’t take the place of government, given the current administration’s change in policy.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Tony Chatman, author of The Force Multiplier wrote the book as a way to address a gap in leadership in a more practical, and less theoretical, way that would be applicable to everyone — from first-time leaders to executives. Chatman argues that if first-time leaders have a solid foundation about what it means to be a leader, they can avoid a number of pitfalls when they become executives. He also defines a ‘force multiplier’ as someone who brings out the best in others simply because of their presence. This, Chatman says, is “what makes a leader indispensable.”

Joel Block, author of Stop Hustling Gigs and Start Building a Business: 101+ Tricks of the Trade to Help Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed People Build a Money-Making Machine talks about giving people the tools and know how to put things in motion successfully. Block states that the trick to being successful is having a business that can do multiple things that are derivative of each other, and do them well. He adds that the reason a business isn’t successful is because they’re “always scrambling” and going from gig to gig, lacking stability.

All episodes of Best Seller TV will air throughout the month on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.


Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media