Ericsson CTO outlines Silicon Valley mentality, vendor conducts worldwide LTE trials

Ericsson CTO outlines Silicon Valley mentality, vendor conducts worldwide LTE trials 614 408 C-Suite Network

Ericsson’s new CTO has emphasised the importance of moving fast on technology, as the vendor announced a number of trials and customer wins.

Erik Ekudden, who took on the role in July, said in an interview on Ericsson’s website that he had brought a range of learnings from his work in Silicon Valley as Ericsson’s Head of Technology Strategy for the Ericsson Group and CTO Americas.

In particular, he cited the importance of working with the technology ecosystem and of fast implementation and decision-making.

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He said: “Speed is really critical: speed in terms of decision making, in terms of execution and implementation and in the change in the technology landscape.”

Ekudden’s comments came as Ericsson reported successful deployments of new technologies outside of its native Europe, including two trials of Gigabit LTE.

This week Ericsson conducted a trial with Verizon and Qualcomm which showcased the first use in the US of 3.5GHz spectrum, which is licensed for shared access by operators under the Citizens Broadband Radio Service. Previously held by the Department of Defence,…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work