EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Content Analytics’ VP Kenji Gjovig: Chum in the Water

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Content Analytics’ VP Kenji Gjovig: Chum in the Water 620 360 C-Suite Network

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Kenji Gjovig is VP of partnerships and business development at Content Analytics.

In this exclusive interview, Gjovig offers his insights on managing the customer experience through effective content management.

Content Analytics VP Kenji Gjovig
Content Analytics VP Kenji Gjovig

CRM Buyer: What is content management, and what is the key to doing it effectively?

Kenji Gjovig: Content management is all about making sure that [a product] item page has all of the information that a customer needs to buy an item or have a good experience with it afterwards.

What goes into content management varies between retailers. A content management system has the ability to set up new items, post images and video, and create a robust title and detailed item description.

Ratings and reviews are really important, and also elements like size charts and product comparison guides that will help [customers] learn how to use the item and feel good about it.

You have to have all of the information on the screen. These enhanced content elements promote the best customer experience.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

CRM Buyer: What are some common mistakes you see in the way companies manage their content, and how can these mistakes be avoided?

Gjovig: The biggest mistake we see is when a brand sees content management as an exercise in just checking the box. They treat it as a spectrum of bad versus good content. There’s a huge spectrum of good and bad content, and the biggest mistake we see is when retailers don’t deliver a good customer experience.

CRM Buyer: What is the relationship between managing content effectively and delivering a good customer experience?

Gjovig: I think they’re directly tied together. If I don’t have good content in my item pages, it’s going to be a terrible customer experience. If there’s a great description but no reviews, that’s not good.

If I’m searching for further information, and there aren’t good images, I’m not likely to make a purchase. Let’s say it’s food or consumables. I see the food, but I don’t know the ingredients. There’s a high correlation between more content and good content.

CRM: What are your recommendations for creating a good customer experience?

Gjovig: Items have…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media