Exponential Leadership, LinkedIn 101, Humanification and Contact Marketing

Exponential Leadership, LinkedIn 101, Humanification and Contact Marketing 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Jamie Crosbie, author of The Power of 2: Exponential Sales Leadership, believes that the exponential power in the sales process involves the sales leader being fully engaged with the rest of the team. That ‘exponential’ power can change the trajectory of the team’s success and help create a culture of excellence. Crosbie says the book is for anyone who is looking to transform the culture of sales leadership by improving the methodology leaders engage with. She believes that when a leader is one with their team, the client reaps the benefits by getting two trusted advisors, which only increases the commitment to excellence.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Tajuana Ross, author of The LinkedIn Professor: “Class is Now in Session.” Your 21 LinkedIn Questions Answered, wrote the book to answer people’s questions about LinkedIn as a platform and its uses as a branding tool. She adds that many people don’t understand the full capabilities of the platform because they don’t know those capabilities exist. Ross says one way to increase one’s digital footprint is by “showing up” to the platform – which means writing content regularly and getting out a message that provides credibility and projects authority. She cautions users to be selective with who they accept into their network because, “Your net worth equals your network” and adds there has to be…


Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media