Facebook CTO blasts security industry for focusing on ‘stunt hacks’

Facebook CTO blasts security industry for focusing on ‘stunt hacks’ 620 349 C-Suite Network

Facebook CTO Alex Stamos has told the security industry it needs to spend more time focusing on real-world problems, rather than worrying about high-concept ‘stunt hacks’.

During his opening keynote at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, Stamos pointed out that while complex technical demonstrations of how to bypass security measures are interesting for security professionals, they don’t really help anyone.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

According to Neowin, he said: “Adversaries will do the simplest thing they need to get the results they want, but we focus on the really sexy difficult problems. It’s cool to see someone bypass a hard problem, but that’s not something you’ll probably see in the real world.”

In a similar vein, he noted that while data breaches, hacks and vulnerabilities are all front-page news, no-one takes the time to celebrate when companies successfully repel an attack. Facebook has set aside a $1 million fund, which will be awarded to this year’s…

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