Female Leadership, Increasing Employee Productivity Through Wellness, Seeing the Positive in Tragedy and Turbo Charging Businesses

Female Leadership, Increasing Employee Productivity Through Wellness, Seeing the Positive in Tragedy and Turbo Charging Businesses 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV, is announcing its October lineup featuring in-depth interviews with leading business authors Jill Griffin, author of Women Make Great Leaders: Real World Lessons To Accelerate Your Climb, Brian Hazelgren, author of Healthy Habits of Highly Productive Employees: Thriving in Health, Wealth and Self, Kristiane Cates, author of The Golden Thread: A Memoir and Terri Levine, author of Turbo Charge: How to Transform Your Business as a Heart-repreneur.

Jill Griffin, author of Women Make Great Leaders: Real World Lessons To Accelerate Your Climb offers twenty-four lessons for women to become great leaders, stand their ground and learn how to say no. Griffin argues that many women seek to be people pleasers and have a hard time saying no. She encourages women to find male champions who are “two or three rings” above them because that’s how you get on the corporate radar and emphasizes that women shouldn’t ask, they should just do. Griffin says that “women have been making strides” in becoming great leaders and that a pipeline must be built in order to get more women moving into the c-suite and corporate boards.

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Brian Hazelgren, author of Healthy Habits of Highly Productive Employees: Thriving in Health, Wealth and Self talks about how an employee’s health has a direct correlation with their level of productivity. As the owner of a health and wellness company and a former 4-sport athlete, Hazelgren is aware of the impact one’s health has on the rest of our lives, including job performance. He saw the need to create a wellness program — not just to boost morale, but to give employees a bonding experience. This program is something employees have to buy into, but the ability to stay focused and create a balance in life…


Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media