Franchises Using Integrated Marketing Achieve Higher ROI

Franchises Using Integrated Marketing Achieve Higher ROI 1024 586 C-Suite Network

by Doug Traxler


Integrated marketing is complex — but so is running a franchise. Combining the two? Sounds like a potential nightmare. However, integrated marketing can play an essential role in every business: According to Gartner research, companies that implement and execute integrated marketing have been shown to achieve a 50 percent higher ROI.

Last year, a popular franchise reached out to WebbMason for marketing assistance. After some research, WebbMason suggested an integrated marketing approach that blended both print and non-print marketing methods. These included (in simplest terms): personalized QR codes on all direct mail pieces, personalized landing pages, automated reminders and follow-up notices, customized registration and opt-in for newsletters, social media pages, an analytics dashboard and email marketing. This approach enabled the franchise to organize and quickly respond to leads, while also increasing attendance in the organization’s long-term programs.

The results were a dream come true for both the franchise and WebbMason, as the campaign generated a 39.2 percent conversion rate, 65 percent higher than the year before, along with a 28 percent spike in the franchise’s Facebook fans. The good news does not stop there. Last November, WebbMason won an award for this campaign during the EventTech conference in New York City.

According to Jeff Elgin’s article, “5 Franchise Marketing Essentials,” on, a franchise marketing plan must:

  • Drive consumers
  • Involve the franchisees
  • Get the splits right (marketing funding dollars)
  • Be well-documented
  • Validate well

To summarize, marketing must bring people through the door — whether it is from a direct mail piece, a landing page, a personalized coupon or a promotional product. Since they work closely with customers, the opinions from the franchisees must always be taken into account. Elgin, CEO of FranChoice, notes that a marketing plan “is no small matter, since your livelihood will rely on the success of the marketing program in driving customers to your business.”

Sure, integrated marketing is complex — but it doesn’t have to be frightening. By integrating print, web, digital, social and other applications, your franchise can create powerful campaigns while reaching, engaging and growing customer relationships and achieving a ROI. From website strategies to email marketing, you can deliver timely, relevant, and compelling integrated marketing programs that resonate with customers across any channel they touch. All of your campaigns and programs will point in the same direction and will work in harmony to reach your goals. An effective interactive plan designed specifically for your franchise can not only meet your needs, it could be a great way to build support for your franchisees as well.

*This post originally appeared on

Doug TraxlerDoug Traxler is the Chief Development Officer and Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at WebbMason. Traxler founded WebbMason’s Washington, DC office in 1995 — the company’s first regional sales office. Prior to joining WebbMason, Traxler spent 13 years with Wallace Computer Services, where he served as sales representative, account executive and general manager. Traxler joined WebbMason because he saw an opportunity to focus more on solving clients’ problems and to join a team that is committed to excellence. Traxler’s overall business goal for his customers remains the same—to transform their organizations in a positive way with measurable impact. Twitter: @WebbMason