FY2019 EPS Estimates for Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co. Raised by B. Riley (CTO)

FY2019 EPS Estimates for Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co. Raised by B. Riley (CTO) 1024 181 C-Suite Network

Consolidated-Tomoka Land Co. (NYSEAMERICAN:CTO) – B. Riley increased their FY2019 EPS estimates for shares of Consolidated-Tomoka Land in a report released on Monday, Zacks Investment Research reports. B. Riley analyst D. Corak now forecasts that the financial services provider will post earnings per share of $5.33 for the year, up from their previous forecast of $4.86. B. Riley has a “Buy” rating and a $80.00 price objective on the stock.

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Consolidated-Tomoka Land (NYSEAMERICAN:CTO) last released its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, October 18th. The financial services provider reported $0.18 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.22 by ($0.04). The firm had revenue of $12.38 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $15.03 million. Consolidated-Tomoka Land had a net margin of 7.81% and a return on equity of 2.43%.

A number of other research firms have also weighed in on CTO. FBR & Co set a $80.00 price target on shares of Consolidated-Tomoka Land and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work