Going over the top with C-Suite TV

Going over the top with C-Suite TV 1024 536 C-Suite Network

TV as we know it may be dying, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t watching. With so many delivery options out there, C-Suite TV is here to help get your show the attention it deserves.

Cable TV as we know it is in trouble. All the large cable companies are hemorrhaging viewers in record numbers.  More than 22 million people are expected to cut the cord this year according to research firm eMarketer. That’s up 33-percent from last year. It’s growing so fast, eMarketer recently upped its estimate by nearly 7 million people this year alone! Just like how your parents only remember the days of just three TV networks, there’s a good chance your kids won’t even remember a world with cable.

Customers who do “cut the cord” haven’t given up TV.  They’re still watching. It’s how they’re watching that’s changing. Viewers now stream billions of hours of video a day and it’s not all Netflix and YouTube.

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C-Suite TV is on the cutting edge of this new trend in viewership. You can find C-Suite TV currently streaming on Roku, Amazon and Apple TV. These platforms are the future of TV, making your show available on-demand 24/7 to millions of potential viewers.

Still doubting the power of streaming video? Right now, roughly a third of all households with broadband internet use some sort of streaming player. A separate eMarketer report expects more than 112 million homes will be using at least one streaming device by year’s end. This market is moving fast.

C-Suite TV is keeping up with consumers changing tastes. Right now, the channel is available on three of the top four streaming players, delivering your program to an estimated 96 million devices. These viewers are seeking out content, always looking to discover something new and C-Suite TV is here to deliver.

The streaming market represents an excellent opportunity for your show to be seen on TV without the traditional pitfalls of TV. Your show will meet viewers where they are: during a morning workout, after a long day at work or relaxing on the weekend. They also won’t have to worry about “missing” anything. C-Suite TV lists all episodes with a concise description. Viewers choose the topics and guests that interest them. No more waiting around for the next episode. This also makes for easy binge watching.

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