Google Gives Job Searchers Salary, Location Details

Google Gives Job Searchers Salary, Location Details 620 380 C-Suite Network

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Google on Wednesday announced the addition of new functionality for its recently launched job search portal, including features that display salary range and street-level location information.

Salary information — among the things users have requested most, according to Google — will improve the likelihood of matching qualified applicants with the jobs they desire. The new tools will give job-posting sites that include estimated salary information increased brand awareness and increased referral traffic.

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“Since introducing the product, one of the most requested data points for job listings is salary,” said Google spokesperson Susan Cadrecha.

However, “by our estimates, this information is missing from over 85 percent of job postings in the U.S. today,” she told the E-Commerce Times.

This information should help users save time during the search process and provide a more holistic view of a potential role, noted Google Product Manager Nick Zakrasek.

Companies can provide JobPosting structured data to have actual salary information displayed in search results, he noted. Alternatively, companies can provide Occupation structured data, which allows the display of estimated salary information from partners offering similar jobs.

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Street-level location data helps job applicants narrow down openings to job offers that fit their needs. Location information can be added using the jobLocation property in JobPosting structured data, Zakrasek said.

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