Heineken USA’s CMO Nuno Teles on tackling politics in marketing campaigns

Heineken USA’s CMO Nuno Teles on tackling politics in marketing campaigns 614 409 C-Suite Network
Nuno Teles
Nuno Teles

What is your take on tackling politics in marketing campaigns?
Our approach is not to play with politics but to be true to our brand beliefs and our brand purpose. Heineken as a brand has always embraced diversity and progressiveness. We created our Worlds Apart ad to show what we stand for. The same with Tacate Beer Wall ad. We moved ahead with that to promote the fact we are a true Mexican brand, brewed in the city of Tacate, which is next to the border with the U.S., and we are proud of that. I believe brands need to be true to themselves and to the purpose of what they represent.

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What’s your outlook for Heineken U.S.A. as CMO? I am focused on data-driven marketing and what are the implications into what we do and how we do it. We see very significant changes in the way we approach consumer marketing intelligence, and the way we approach media as a source of insights from our consumers. We have a model that focuses on science, storytelling, the speed at which we go to market, the physical store, and the experience consumers have.

Any recent evolutions in the way you approach marketing?
We are more eager to understand what consumers do, rather than what they tell us, so we are moving into behavior data. We often just looked at what our consumers told us, which gave us part of reality. The other part is what they actually do. Quite…

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