Help Take the Guesswork Out of Gift Giving

Help Take the Guesswork Out of Gift Giving 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Buying gifts for your family are hard enough. Buying gifts for the people you work and do business with are nearly impossible. You want to get them something that is both nice and professional. That’s where Giftagram comes in. The company packs uniquely curated boxes that you can help choose through its app.  Boxes can include everything from sweets to alcohol, but that’s not all. If you want to give a gift that keeps on giving, Giftagram offers subscription services ranging from vinyl records, wine, socks, hot sauce and many more. The packages are customizable as well. You can send boxes to one or 100. You can see the options for yourself in this executive gift guide the Giftagram curators put together for the C-Suite Network.

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