Holding Out For A Hero: How Companies and Leaders Can Elevate Their Values & Culture

Holding Out For A Hero: How Companies and Leaders Can Elevate Their Values & Culture 1024 536 C-Suite Network

Best Seller TV, the only show dedicated to covering today’s best-selling business books on C-Suite TV, is announcing its December programming featuring Jeffrey Hayzlett, author of The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures.

With this book, Hayzlett looks to highlight all of the good things businesses are doing to create a culture that’s based on great mission and vision statements and deeply ingrained values while helping the world be a better place and still increasing their profit margins. He says this, his fourth book, is the most important book he’s written as he believes America, and the world, are at a crossroads – economically and with leadership. The book hopes to change the negative perception many people have of businesses and bring back the focus to company values rather than just operational excellence.

Hayzlett looks to separate businesses into four quadrants based on his “hero intensity” chart: the first quadrant is operational excellence are businesses who increase their profit margins but offer no value to the community they’re in. The second quadrant focuses on “hero values” – businesses with strong values and value people over profits. The third quadrant refers to the “do-gooders,” or businesses with strong hero values, but very little operational value and the fourth quadrants refers to the “asshats” who rip people off.

Hayzlett says that America has gotten away from being looked up to. The best thing to get us back to that point is by being great entrepreneurs with a free enterprise system and be great capitalists. Hayzlett adds, “Entrepreneuralism is America’s spirit, hero is America’s destination.”

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The book is for everyone in the organization, not just for CEOs. While CEOs need to be cognizant, as the company leaders, you want everyone to have the same values, know how the company is run and where they are going. Hayzlett adds, “If you’re leading your organization beyond where they want to go and leading them to greatness, then you’re without question a hero and, without question, a leader.”

All episodes of Best Seller TV will air on C-Suite TV and are hosted by TV personality, Taryn Winter Brill.

“This is my fourth book and out of all of them, this is by far the most personal and emotional for me,” Hayzlett said. “I am thrilled to share the insights about what makes leaders and companies ‘heroic’ to create awareness and encourage every business owner out there, regardless of wealth, to do some good and leave their mark in this world.”

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