How I Reinvented Myself… and You Can Too

How I Reinvented Myself… and You Can Too 507 338 C-Suite Network

by Micheal Burt

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One of the biggest questions I get around the country is “How can I reinvent myself?” People tell me they are stuck in a dead-end job and know they’re supposed to be on another bus in life that marries their time, talents and passions. It also frees them up to play in their unique genius area and get paid what they are truly worth. In 2008, I was a high school PE teacher and basketball coach (and a lousy PE teacher by the way). I had a set salary and a job I really liked, but I knew I had more potential and talent in the tank I needed to cash in on. I believe people don’t have a talent problem; many times, they have a confidence problem. 

Life is too short to think small. Life is too short to waste away your talents. John Maxwell once said, “God’s gift to you is potential. Your gift back to God is using it.” Don’t die with your music still playing in you.

If you’re serious about reinventing yourself, here are five ways I think you can do it:

  1. Dig down deep and do the heavy lifting to find your true unique abilities and gifts. Spend time developing those gifts so much that the world will start paying you for them.
  2. Find other people who are doing exactly what you would like to do, and immerse yourself in how they did it. I study authors, coaches and speakers for hours and emulate them. Don’t be lazy in chasing your dream.
  3. Start small. Know this: Every major celebrity started on some small stage where they gave away their gift for free. Too many people want a guarantee before they begin, and they stay in a comfort pond. You’ll never go big time if you play it safe and want some kind of assurance it will all work out.
  4. Develop the gift you have. What is your real talent? How are you developing it? How are you refining it? Practice, practice, practice. I free flow my speeches and coaching sessions now, but when I first started I would hand-write each one.
  5. Build deep networks. Opportunity only comes to you when you get in the game. You can’t be a secret agent and expect for it to happen. If you only play at the local county fair because you’re intimidated, then expect little return — not global stardom. Toughen up your ability to take criticism and coaching. Do you want to improve? Accept feedback, and most of all, get coaching from somebody who has done it.

If you’re serious about doing this, pick up a copy of my new book, “Small Towns, Big Dreams — Your Destiny has No City Limits.” It walks you step-by-step through making it happen. Until then, you’re not really serious about playing at the next level.

Micheal Burt is a coach to some of the top-performing people and organizations in the country. His unique background of winning has led many to refer to him as a “coachepreneur” with a deep-focused coaching acumen and a business and entrepreneurial mindset. He is the author of seven books, including “This Ain’t No Practice Life” and the upcoming “Zebras and Cheetahs –  Look Different, Run Faster, and Be Agile” with Dr. Colby Jubenville. He is also the host of “The Coach Micheal Burt Radio Show” on WLAC, the FoxNews Affiliate in Nashville, Tenn., and can be heard globally on iHeartRadio. Contact: Coach Micheal Burt, CEO of Micheal Burt Enterprises, LLC, at or 615.225.8380. Twitter: @michealburt