How Social Media Can Make or Break Companies Explored on C-Suite TV's MYOB

How Social Media Can Make or Break Companies Explored on C-Suite TV's MYOB 150 150 C-Suite Network

LiveWorld’s Peter Friedman joins Jeffrey Hayzlett on stage at the C-Suite Network Conference in Dallas to discuss the best social media strategies for business. The interview was filmed for C-Suite TV’s MYOB and can be viewed at

In the latest episode of the online TV program MYOB (Mind Your Own Business), host Jeffrey Hayzlett explores how social media can make or break a business in an interview with social media pioneer Peter Friedman. A former vice-president of Apple’s Internet Services Division, Friedman is the Chairman and CEO of the social content marketing agency LiveWorld, which includes Walmart, Pfizer, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson and Wells Fargo on its impressive client roster. The episode airs starting Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014 on C-Suite TV, the on-demand video network created by Hayzlett to inform and engage top-tier business executives and anyone else who aspires to join their ranks.

Friedman is a noted public speaker, writer and photographer who recently underscored his social media thought-leadership status with the publication of his book, The CMO’s Social Media Handbook.

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