Jeffrey Hayzlett at C-Suite Network Conference

Hundreds of C-Suite Executives Gathered in Los Angeles to Listen, Learn and Network at C-Suite Conference

Hundreds of C-Suite Executives Gathered in Los Angeles to Listen, Learn and Network at C-Suite Conference 1024 682 C-Suite Network

C-Suite Network, the world’s most powerful network of C-Suite leaders, wrapped up its highly anticipated second C-Suite Conference in Marina del Rey. The Conference, held November 16 – 18, featured over 30 C-Suite executives and thought leaders offering their expertise to over 400 attendees. Topics focused on new ideas, emerging technologies, techniques for navigating government policies, and new forms of corporate capital.

The invitation-only Conference provided an arena for qualified C-Suite executives and the world’s most elite thought leaders (from companies with revenues more than $10 million) to come together with an exclusive lineup of content geared towards C-Suite issues. Over 30 of the world’s most elite thought leaders were on stage, with highlights including GJ Hart, CEO of California Pizza Kitchen; Paul Carbone, CFO of Dunkin Brands; Michael Williams, CMO of Grand Prix of America, Formula 1; actor LeVar Burton and Mark Wolfe from RRKidz (Reading Rainbow); Elisa Camahort Page, Lisa Stone and Jory Des Jardins or BlogHer; Jeff Lowe, VP Marketing of SMART Technologies; Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, Founders of Barefoot Wine; Dave Pottruck, Chairman of HighTower Advisors and former CEO of Charles Schwab, along with several others. The series of keynote speakers featured Randy Gage, author of Risky is the New Safe; Glenn Llopis from the Center for Hispanic Leadership; Dr. Tony Alessandra, author of How to Read a Person Like a Book and Peter Philippi, Founder and CEO of Strategex Inc.

“This C-Suite Conference provided an environment where top thought leaders and C-Suite executives shared their best practices and successes in addressing key C-Suite concerns,” says Jeffrey Hayzlett, C-Suite Network Co-Founder and Chairman. He added, “What we accomplished with this conference was spectacular. Every executive in attendance gained competitive edge, incredible knowledge and key insights they can bring back to their companies to make those better and more profitable.”

Building on the momentum, C-Suite Network is expanding its C-Suite Conferences from two to three per year. The 2015 C-Suite Conference dates and locations are:

  • March 29-31 – Boston, MA
  • June 7-9 – Chicago, IL
  • Nov. 1-3 – San Francisco, CA

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