IBM Watson CTO: The 3 ethical principles AI needs to embrace

IBM Watson CTO: The 3 ethical principles AI needs to embrace 770 433 C-Suite Network

IBM Watson CTO Rob High has done a lot of thinking about the privacy, security, and ethical implications of artificial intelligence. He presented some of those ideas at Mobile World Congress 2018, and we talked to him about some of his key findings.

You can watch the interview about or read the transcript below.

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High said, “One of the things we have to realize about AI—it’s relatively new to all of us. There’s a lot about it that we don’t all fully understand. Even as a technologist, we know where we’re trying to bring the technology, but on the other side there’s lots of people for which this technology is new. The experiences around that are going to be different. As with any new technology, it’s really important that we be thinking now about how we do that ethically and responsibly. For us, that comes down to three basic principles. Trust, respect, and privacy.

“What that basically means is that when you’re using an AI technology, you have to trust that it’s going to be doing the right thing. Or you focus on things like, can we create transparency in the AI algorithms? Can we get the algorithms to actually identify your level of confidence (in them), for example.”

SEE: IT leader’s guide to the future of artificial intelligence

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