In the publishing world, we’ve seen an increased trend towards CEOs writing books

In the publishing world, we’ve seen an increased trend towards CEOs writing books 900 498 C-Suite Network

This is great for publishers. Business leaders are in the trenches, at the top of their field, and full of bright ideas and wisdom to share. When they are able to make the time to write a book, it’s almost always valuable to readers.

From the CEO’s perspective, however, books can be hit-or-miss.

Some leaders get phenomenal results, leveraging their book into attention, business growth, authority, and influence. Others get a flurry of excitement when their book is published, but don’t see any long term results from all their work.

In most cases, the difference is simple: The first group understand that the book isn’t an end in itself, it’s a multi-purpose tool that must be used effectively to drive results.

If you look at the book as the product itself, then you’re launching a new venture selling a $10-20 product that people only buy once, and that 50% of Americans don’t buy at all. That’s the book marketing business, and it’s not the business you want to be in.

But if you see the book as a tool to advance your career and business by building credibility and establishing yourself as the expert in your field, the possibilities being much more appealing.

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

Here are four ways the most successful CEOs use their books:

1) Increased Credibility

Whether we like to believe it or not, we’re being judged in every business interaction. Everyone we meet is looking to understand who we are, what we’ve done, and if we really know what we’re talking about.

And what’s the number one signal that someone is truly an expert? They literally wrote the book on the topic.

Beyond the sales and other opportunities we’ll discuss below, the smartest executives we work with make sure to promote the fact that they have written the definitive book in their field. They include it in their bio, in their email signature, and on their social media profiles.

Once these credibility markers are made public, new folks they communicate with come into interactions with an added level of respect.

2) Personal Media Opportunities

In addition to the credibility that’s gained from being a published author with a high quality product, books open the door to media opportunities.

For most CEOs, the majority of publicity they get is directly tied to their company. There isn’t much interest from the press in covering them as an individual.

What a book…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work