INCOMPAS to FCC: Delay Vote, Show Item Edits

INCOMPAS to FCC: Delay Vote, Show Item Edits 1024 577 C-Suite Network

INCOMPAS was calling on FCC chairman Ajit Pai to pull the plug on the Dec. 14 net neutrality rule rollback vote after Politico reported that the FCC’s CTO had issues with it.

INCOMPAS members include Amazon, Google, Twitter and Facebook.

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

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According to the story, CTO Eric Burger said allowing ISPs to block certain Web sites, as the rule rollback would allow so long as ISPs disclosed it and the Federal Trade Commission did not conclude it was anticompetitive, was not in the public interest.

ISP members of NCTA-The Internet and Television Association, USTelecom and CTIA, which is the vast majority…

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Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work