INSIGHTS Salesforce’s IoT Strategy

INSIGHTS Salesforce’s IoT Strategy 620 310 C-Suite Network

Future Digital Finance West | Dec 4-5 | Phoenix, AZ
Hear 30+ digital finance leaders who are transforming the industry address omni and mobile banking strategies, customer-centric digital innovation and emerging fintech that solves real customer problems. 25% discount available to finance execs. A WBR Event. View agenda and learn more.

Salesforce is a large and well-disciplined development company. It’s pretty good at marketing too. It continues to innovate in all product areas, from core platform to applications, and the one criticism I’d make is that it’s information overload at times. Reminds me of Oracle.

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

Lately Salesforce has made a big deal of adding its AI product, Einstein, to every application area to provide insights and stack rank options. Given that this is Einstein’s first year, it’s not surprising that the foundational layer looks similar across all of Salesforce’s disciplines.

In cloud after cloud, we see some version of next best… . I expect that we might see examples of this at Dreamforce.

Fast App Development

Back to discipline. Salesforce has been paying a good deal of attention to the applications level these days, in addition to spiffing up its platform. It’s noticeable in banking and finance, as well as in the Internet of Things, but the differences in approach are what’s most interesting.

The company’s IoT approach is very different from what it has been doing in finance. Salesforce recently announced IoT Explorer and the ability to develop IoT applications quickly. App-building tools are…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work