Interview: Hitachi Data Systems’ CTO breaks down digital transformation

Interview: Hitachi Data Systems’ CTO breaks down digital transformation 940 530 C-Suite Network

Technology and solutions from Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) play a central role in the digital transformation journey for organisations around the world.

Wherever your organisation is on its journey, HDS offers the technology and expertise to fuel your transformation, and help your business evolve into a next-generation enterprise.

HDS’ chief technology officer, Matt Greensmith, discuss converged and hyperconverged infrastructure, what role HDS play in a customer’s digital transformation journey, and the company’s very own evolution.

Digital transformation

Digital transformation is a pretty hot buzzword in the tech-business world these days, and one company leading the charge is Hitachi Data Systems (HDS).

“The biggest change we’ve seen in how customers understand digital transformation and what it means,” says Greensmith.

“In the early days, it was seen as the digitisation of historical manual process and from there we’ve gone through phases. It meant different things to different people. Digital transformation seemed to mean a lot of radical processes and change, and about big data analytics.”

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“In the last couple of years, we’ve seen a significant maturing of our customers’ understanding in digital transformation and in their understanding that it’s really about business process improvement.”

Greensmith explains, “There’s not really anything new in the theory, but what’s changed is our increased dependence on data and our ability to get new insights out of data, and that makes the data that the company has more important.”

For Greensmith, defining the customer’s perception of digital transformation is much easier than summarising HDS’ own transformation over the years.

“It’s hard to encapsulate that change into a small answer because that change has been so radical.”

HDS started off in the hardware space and infrastructure space, where they were well known for their quality and reliability.

“Over the past 10 years our software portfolio has really increased and now we can offer anything in terms of helping a company manage their data,” continues Greensmith.

“That goes from the basics of data management – making sure that the data that exists is useable, right up to data governance, and looking at our interaction between your organisation and other organisations, the other people that have a say on your data.

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