Is the future of marketing automated?

Is the future of marketing automated? 657 404 C-Suite Network
Is the future of marketing automated?

Heath Barlow is Emarsys’ Market Lead for Australia. With 12 years in the marketing and technology space, Heath has a proven track record for driving sustained revenue growth and new business sales in the region

Across the globe, countless industries and organisations are becoming increasingly dependent on new technologies to drive competitive edge. From construction to retail to insurance, the use of automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise. As a result, according to the World Economic Forum, big Australian businesses are spending an average of $6 million a year on AI technologies.

Centred on better business outcomes, the benefits and opportunities that AI brings are, of course, very exciting. For example, automation via robotics can create safer work environments by taking dangerous tasks away from individuals. Machine learning can also result in higher productivity, making more time available for business-critical and creative thought, rather than day-to-day task work.

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The marketing function in particular sees huge benefits from machine learning and AI. It can help to shape and drive marketing activities based on insights on consumer behaviours. In fact, according to Deloitte Digital, 58% of global CMOs believe that within the next five years, companies will need to compete in the AI space in order to succeed.

This begs the question, will a robot take your marketing job?

Tools like AI, automation and machine learning are exactly that; tools. With them, marketing experts are better able to find their target customers and more importantly, learn their needs and wants. This will deliver a level of personalisation that we have never seen before, driving relationships between consumers and brands and delivering competitive edge. The potential of AI in marketing is incredible.

However, as more and more marketers implement new technologies, the expected fear of job loss will rise. If AI and automation take over certain tasks, what will that mean for the people who do them today? Do marketers need to fear losing their jobs?

The short answer? No. It’s true that certain tasks are likely be taken care of through…

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