Is There a Doctor in the House?

Is There a Doctor in the House? 1024 662 C-Suite Network

by Tony Alessandra


Can you imagine giving your doctor permission to operate on you without first reviewing MRI images, X-Rays or other evaluations? Of course you wouldn’t!

Smart business people use assessments to make decisions about personal development, hiring, managing, promoting and leading others. You can think of assessments as “MRI tests” to reveal someone’s innermost values, behavioral tendencies, skill sets, etc. They empower the roadmap for development and improvement.

Assessments provide invaluable tools to enhance the human capital within your organization, whether it’s leveraging your investment in existing personnel or increasing the probabilities for success in new investments in human resources. Assessments can measure a variety of criteria: intellectual ability, motivation, skill proficiency, work styles, behavioral characteristics and personal values. Assessments are used to help determine training needs, career counseling and personal development.

A good assessment tool is designed to increase personal awareness of how individuals interact with others. Our assessments come with support materials and action plans to help individuals implement new strategies, skills and behaviors. Whether your individual career track is frontline customer service, face-to-face sales, technical/professional services, supervision/management or executive staff/boardroom, it’s important for an individual to have the skills to demonstrate those attitudes and behaviors that enable them to get along with others. To get along, they must better understand themselves and others to communicate with others more effectively.

*This article originally appeared at

Tony_Alessandra-559410-editedTony Alessandra is the CEO of Assessment Business Center, a company that offers online 360º assessments, and a founding partner in the Platinum Rule Group, a company which has successfully combined cutting-edge technology and proven psychology to give salespeople the ability to build and maintain positive relationships with hundreds of clients and prospects. Tony is also prolific author with 27 books translated into more than 50 foreign language editions. Dr. Alessandra was inducted into the NSA Speakers Hall of Fame in 1985. Follow him on Twitter @TonyAlessandra.