Jeff Lowe, VP Marketing, Smart Technologies, 'Charged With Murder of The Flip Chart'

Jeff Lowe, VP Marketing, Smart Technologies, 'Charged With Murder of The Flip Chart' 254 45 C-Suite Network

Dov Baron, host of Full Monty Leadership Radio, interviewed Jeff Lowe, VP of Marketing at SMART Technologies during the C-Suite Network Conference in Marina del Rey about his company’s innovative new product, SMART kapp.

How many meetings have you left thinking; “what was the point of that?” What about; “What the heck was that meeting about, anyway?” Because by the time you got back to your desk most of the content of the meeting was a blur.

Maybe you’ve been in this situation: You are joining the meeting virtually and the speaker is writing on the flip chart but you can’t possibly make out what was written. Frustration builds and despite your best efforts you mind wanders and another meeting goes down the brain drain.

Enter Jeff Lowe and with the simplest most powerful tech we have all be waiting for.

Watch the Full Interview at Podomatic