Leadership, It’s all Different Except Where It’s The Same

Leadership, It’s all Different Except Where It’s The Same 150 150 C-Suite Network

Don’t underestimate millennials, says Dov Baron. They are bright, entrepreneurial, ambitious and not waiting for permission. Baron provides insight on young leaders and entrepreneurs he met at the C-Suite Network Conference in Dallas.

It is said that the old guard don’t change their beliefs, we just have to wait for them to die.

Many in leadership today complain about these Millennial’s “They don’t have our work ethic,” “they’re all entitled” and “they think they’re going to change the world”

Let’s just stop for a moment and do a Reality Check: As weird and different as the Millennial generation may seem, let’s not forget that the old guard of today (the baby boomers) were at one time “hippies” who weren’t going to “work for the man”. The generation before them said pretty much the same thing: “They don’t have our work ethic” “they’re all entitled” and “they think they’re going to change the world”

Read the full article at DovBaron.com