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Let’s talk about Change, Baby!

Let’s talk about Change, Baby! 500 500 C-Suite Network

By: Ilja Grzeskowitz

Some time ago, I read an interview from former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, where he made a fascinating observation. He said:

“Today, mankind produces more information, data and ideas than from the stone age until the year 2003 together.“

And he nailed it with that statement. Because the changes around us are getting more and more intense. Everything changes. Permanently. The economy, the organizational structures in our companies, our very own working space. As a keynote speaker and change agent, I have the privilege of working with lots of great organizations. And it doesn’t matter, at which industry I look, whether it’s a big brand like BWM or Lufthansa, or a small company with just a hundred employees. There is one thing they all have in common: The rules have definitely changed.

Change is the New Normal

Especially the globalization, the demographic trend and the digital revolution are the main reasons that markets change dramatically. And, the customers are behaving completely different than they used to do just a few years ago. That means that our ability to deal with this new complexity will be the most important factor if we will still be successful in the future or if we become obsolete. And just to be clear, I’m not talking about change for changes sake, but about change with a purpose, with intention. Change to reach your goals, to become more profitable and to get the results you want. In the near future, nothing will be more important, than to adapt to these new circumstances. Because constant change has long become the new normal.

Go First and Lead the Changes in Your Organization

What does all that mean to your jobs as leaders? First, you need to quickly adapt to all of the changes going on around you and adjust your own mindset. Even more importantly, you need to lead the changes in your industry, your company and your teams. Companies only change, when the people change. And it is your job to make sure they do. Not by telling them or giving orders, but by reaching their hearts and leading with your actions. And believe me, I know what I am talking about. In my own career, I started out as the youngest store manager in Germany’s largest department store corporation and overall, I was responsible for ten different stores all over the country. During that period, not only did I have to deal with tough competition, changing markets and the upcoming phenomena of online shopping, but also with a huge crisis within the company itself. Locations were shut down, profits were decreasing and thousands of employees were facing the fear of unemployment.

During these tough times, I learned the biggest lesson of my life:

Change is not what happens around you, but the way how you deal with it. It is your mindset. Your attitude.

And after all, the culture in your organization. Let me share one of my deepest beliefs with you: A company culture of innovation, flexibility and courage beats every sophisticated business strategy by far. Because there´s one thing, you can be sure of: If you are good, your competition will copy everything. They will copy your products, your prices, maybe even your marketing. But they will never be able to copy your culture.

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work

Create a Culture of Change in Your Company

In my new book “Think it. Do it. Change it.”, you will learn how to develop this special attitude of change. I will show you how motivation really works, why the fear of going new ways is actually your best friend, and how to use your own uniqueness to lead the changes in your company, your community and most importantly, in your family.

At the end of the day, dealing with change is mindset. A certain way of thinking, deciding and taking action, that we have to adjust not only once, but on a daily basis. The more you use that special attitude, the sooner you will develop strong habits. And that’s important, because changes never happen overnight. They are a process with successes and failures. With ups and downs. You have to work hard to make it happen every single day. Isn’t it true? It’s never the one with the best abilities who wins, but always the one who is well prepared, takes massive action and changes actively. Because under the same circumstances it’s always the attitude, the mindset, the company culture that makes all the difference in the world. So dream big. Act bold. And you will get the results you want.

About the Author

Ilja Grzeskowitz (spoken Graesch –ko –witz) is an award winning keynote speaker who has inspired audiences in eight different countries on three continents. He has a University degree in economics and marketing and was a successful manager in retail, before he founded his own company in 2009. As a bestselling author of seven books, he works with organizations and companies on creating a culture of change. Among his clients are BMW, Lufthansa or Deutsche Telekom. The media called him, “Germany’s No.1. change expert.” Grzeskowitz is a father of two and lives in Berlin, Germany. Visit him online:

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work