Lucid CTO & Former Tesla Engineer Says Model S Is “Hugely Profitable” For Tesla

Lucid CTO & Former Tesla Engineer Says Model S Is “Hugely Profitable” For Tesla 833 428 C-Suite Network
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The Model S is hugely profitable, says a former Tesla exec.

Those are the words of Peter Rawlinson, the CTO at Lucid Motors and former lead engineer on the Tesla Model S. He stated:

“If you’re leading the leading company in the world in electric cars, what you don’t want is for others to start following you. There’s a great myth that Teslas are not profitable. They’re hugely profitable. The Model S is hugely profitable. I know it is.”

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If anyone knows, it would be Rawlinson, the lead engineer of the vehicle.

Inverse adds:

“Since it went public in 2010, Tesla has not reported a single profitable…

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