Monetize The Love
Monetize The Love https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Heart-of-money-1358146355_49-1024x682-1024x682.jpg 1024 682 C-Suite Network https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Heart-of-money-1358146355_49-1024x682-1024x682.jpgby Micheal Burt
I meet lots of really smart people who tell me their No. 1 strategy for acquiring new business is referrals. I don’t disagree. This can be the cheapest and fastest way to earn more clients, so I usually ask a simple question: How many of your current clients or advocates are actually referring you and driving business in the door?
Then we run into a roadblock: They don’t know what their referral percentage is or exactly how many new leads per week they are getting from all the LOVE they supposedly have from their promoters and best clients. This has got to become quantifiable.
Monetizing the love is a strategy to take the enormous amounts of positive mojo you’re getting from your following and turning it into new ideas, new momentum and new money.
Here are four things you can do to monetize the love you’re getting from your expertise:
1. Know this: We live in an over-saturated and overstimulated world. The moment you become redundant, boring or automated — or don’t stay in the flow of your people’s lives — they move on to somebody else. Every current deal you have should be worth four to six new deals. Value your current opportunities as interviews for your next clients.
2. Momentum is just energy — and a great exaggerator. When you have it, you believe you can do no wrong; when you don’t, you think you can do no right. The love you’re feeling from your clients is positive energy. Don’t let that go without capitalizing on it.
3. Make a habit of tracking the leads you get. You can’t multiply leads if you don’t know how many you’re getting in a week or where they are coming from. It still surprises me how few of people do this.
4. When people give you great referrals, offer you unbelievable testimonials or introduce you to others… take advantage of these things! Use them in your marketing collateral, websites and one sheets. Use them to help solidify in others’ minds why they should invest their time and energy in you. People need to move from a fear of buying you to a place of comfort and confidence.
People are loving on you and your business right now. Start capitalizing on this to drive more people in your door.
Micheal Burt is a coach to some of the top-performing people and organizations in the country. His unique background of winning has led many to refer to him as a “coachepreneur” with a deep-focused coaching acumen and a business and entrepreneurial mindset. He is the author of seven books, including “This Ain’t No Practice Life” and the upcoming “Zebras and Cheetahs – Look Different, Run Faster, and Be Agile” with Dr. Colby Jubenville. He is also the host of “The Coach Micheal Burt Radio Show” on WLAC, the FoxNews Affiliate in Nashville, Tenn., and can be heard globally on iHeartRadio. Contact: Coach Micheal Burt, CEO of Micheal Burt Enterprises, LLC, at coach@coachburt.com or 615.225.8380. Twitter: @michealburt